I want the AI to give me a struggle, and not a complete butt shuck like Deity usually goes for me.
Keep in mind, at the time of the declaration I have absolutely no defense, but I am able to take 10 turns to create an army and eventually take the enemy's capital.
Is there a way to adjust the AI to produce more units, and be more aggressive? The scenario which bums me out the most is when I get a surprise war declared on me, and they just pillage one tile and only have like 5 units that are at the edge of my territory. Basically, once I get past the medieval era, I know the AI will be unable to stop me. I think I have lost 2 cities over the course of my Civ 6 career, and they were both very early game. I enjoy playing at emperor the most, but the AI sucks at war and has no real strategy.
I am struggling to enjoy Civ 6 lately, because upping the difficulty gives the AI yield and combat bonuses which suck to fight in the early game.